News Briefs – 06/12/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


A citizen in Massachusetts uncovers election discrepancies there. In his case, records of the election that he received from the town clerk showed significantly fewer votes than the official total, and the locals clammed up when questioned. From what Christina Bobb says on OAN, it looks like there will be substantial discrepancies of a similar nature in the Arizona audit. To begin with some boxes of ballots had 20% less ballots in them than there were supposed votes allocated to the box. So they are going to look at the ballots, and find they do not have enough ballots to even support the vote total reported, let alone the competitive result. Then on top of that there may be fake ballots on the wrong paper, miscounts, and even worse, from Lindell’s data, it looks like all the results in Arizona may have been thrown out entirely anyway on election day and a separate set of results, cooked up on a computer long before the election, from the 2010 Census numbers and a polynomial equation, was just substituted for it (which might explain why there are not enough ballots for the votes they asserted were the results). If Arizona’s 11 electors are decertified, Joe Biden’s 306 electors would be dropped to 295. And then we will be on to Georgia’s 16 electors, which are on course to be recounted due to the pending audit of Fulton County which should show massive fraud. If Georgia falls, Biden drops to 279 Electors. One more state is under 270. No telling what happens then, as he will surely argue Congress certified him already, but precedent at the Supreme Court should dictate a new election in 30 days. Whatever happens, it is guaranteed to be a show. The only thing which will outdo it will be investigations afterward, into things like Patrick Byrne pulling strings to get a DHS team to grab bins of ballots destined for shredding, only to have Cabal’s version of Management call up friendly FBI Agents, and have them show up and seize the ballots from DHS, and then give the to the shredder with instructions to hurry up this time. Everyone who ran support for this thing is probably sweating bullets now, realizing the trajectory indicates this will not end the way it has in the past.

Christina Bobb on twitter tweets – “UT, OK, WA, and MI tour the AZ audit.”

Michigan plaintiff William Bailey files a motion for reconsideration following new evidence of Antrim county ballot fraud.

AG Merrick Garland announces that his DOJ will scrutinize any post-election audits for evidence of voting law violations.

On twitter – Antrim MI audit attorney Matt DePerno tweets – A source tells me Merrick Garland and the DOJ are weighing two options: 1??shut down the AZ audit by seizing everything now or 2??allowing the results to be published. They are debating the anger of 72 million voters vs. the potential decertification of multiple states. 

Arizona lawmaker responds to AG Garland, saying, “You will not touch Arizona ballots or machines unless you want to spend time in Arizona prison.”

Keith Olberman sees Trump returning to power as a legitimate possibility on twitter“If
@GOP again seize c.ontrol of this government (it is clear they have abandoned all thought of and intent of actually being elected) it may be necessary for states where democracy and the constitution prevails to expel the others from the union, or leave.”

Mike Pence buys a $1.9M Indiana home packed with amenities. Lots of amazing pics at the link.

Liz Cheney says what is happening in Maricopa County is not an “audit.” It is an effort to subvert democracy. She must have killed a kid, or something. They all have to see the trajectory, and realize if it goes where it appears it is going, they will be exposed as enemies of the state.

The same day that former Vice President Dick Cheney retired from the board of trustees of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation, the board unanimously voted to appoint Liz Cheney to the panel.

Creative Destruction Media says, “Once you realize the current rendition of the U.S. government is an organized crime syndicate of massive proportion, in control of the national security apparatus, everything that is happening immediately makes sense.” I would say more that you need to realize the system of laws, and the idea nobody acts in Darwinian fashion, is a meme designed to make you docile, and easy to defeat. Saying it is a criminal syndicate makes that sound unusual. The reality is, it is perfectly normal, and if we ever see this one vanquished, another will immediately rise and seek to take its place. We need to understand that, and that we will never end this fight. It will be eternal.

New discovery shows human cells can write RNA sequences into DNA. That could be bad, if you are introducing RNA into cells which codes for something bad. The entire premise of the mRNA vaccine was predicted on the fact mRNA was a temporary signal that gets degraded shortly after injection, and then the signal is gone, as if it was never injected. I had said this was a possibility, even though it was nowhere in the literature, because we have multiple copies of genes, and those copies could have come from a mechanism taking a frequently used gene in mRNA form and burning the mRNA back into DNA to amplify the overall signal through multiple copies. Biology and molecular biology are funny, as you don’t need to know everything extant in the field, if you understand the general goals of the mechanisms, and can visualize how they could evolve to do things efficiently. Because nine times out of ten, if they could, they have. For some reason though many of the “authorities” have not figured that out, and instead try to memorize everything, and concretely tell you that if they haven’t read it, then it must not be true. Until it is discovered.

With $20 trillion between them, Blackrock and Vanguard could own almost everything by 2028. I’ve looked with interest at Blackrock buying up residential houses to try and force everyone to rent, as that will allow them to control where people, and especially targets live relative to the domestic network members. Once everyone rents, they can do that simply by refusing to rent some houses and offering discounts on others. And they will even own the homes, so they can pre-install tech and easily get access into them for “repairs,” or other reasons.

On Twitter – Adam Schiff and House Intel Committee aides and the aides’ family members, including a minor had their data from Apple subpoenaed by DOJ in 2017 and 2018.

Lawmakers in New York State have given final approval to legislation that could allow civil lawsuits to be brought against gun makers and dealers by amending state nuisance law.

Biden tells Chuck Schumer to ‘go ahead’ with calls for $50,000 in student-debt cancellation. Notice how this works. Now as student loans need to be repaid, people with them will not pay, as who wants to give up money to pay debt which will be cancelled in a short while? That in turn will amplify their debt, and if the debt-cancelation is blocked, then they are in an even deeper hole, and need the cancellation all the more. So next election cycle they will definitely vote for the guys who promise to cancel the debt. It will be like the left keeping illegals illegal so they will keep voting for Democrats.

Biden to send $150 million in military aid to Ukraine.

Biden brings in Islamic activists to investigate the U.S. military for ‘extremism.’

Biden Bureau Of Land Management nominee Tracy Stone-Manning was involved in an ‘eco-terrorism’ case that resulted in her college roommate’s conviction and prison sentence, court records show. Notice, she didn’t serve time, and she is heading straight to a top-level position, while her friend rots in the clink. In all of those cause-groups, there are the agent/actors, who know the whole game is a show, and who are too valuable to the machine to suffer any detriment, and there are the rubes who actually buy into the cause, and fail to see the whole thing is already rigged, and they could never change anything.

A Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) officer told the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) that all federal officers who work along the river are now subject to a “stand-down” order not to arrest human smugglers offloading groups of illegal immigrants into the US right in front of them.

Human smugglers are using Facebook to advertise their trafficking services to the U.S. Cartels can advertise criminal services on facebook, but I cannot advertise Evopsych.

Over half of online recruitment in active sex trafficking cases last year occurred on Facebook, report says.

Biden closed the DHS office that helps American victims of illegal alien crime, replacing it with a new office to help illegal aliens access free gov’t services, benefits & legal counsel.

Time magazine tries to make Biden look tough against Putin on its cover, and even the Daily Mail is laughing at them.

Joe Biden reportedly having trouble keeping up with everyone else at G-7 summit.

Putin says Russia’s relationship with U.S. has ‘deteriorated to its lowest point’ in years.

Biden restores $929 million for California high-speed rail withheld by Trump. Little, if any of which was going to rail, and much, if not most of which, was going to fraud.

China and Russia military budgets combined exceed US spending, a top general says.

AP does a whole article on how Police will not be recruiting physically strong masculine men, but rather will start recruiting “from communities.” Already they were shifting the tests from math and reading/writing, to amorphous psychological tests. Now they are eliminating physical strength and ability. I’d assume soon they will demand all recruits have criminal records, so they will have a “full understanding” of the evils Police engage in, and from there it will be a short jump to fill the ranks with Antifa.

Officials in Seattle are defending an all-staff email sent to a city hall department that mocked the city’s cops as “white supremacists.”

Former USA Gymnastics CEO told staff to keep alleged abuse quiet, waited to tell FBI. None of these guys grew up like you, thinking hard work and ability were determining where people went, and who got those leadership positions. If he was there, he knew all the big secrets, probably going back to when he was a kid getting targets assigned and being given skits to act out at school on them. I don’t know why they wanted all those girls molested, but it was no mistake they were sticking them unclothed in rooms with creeping pedophiles. The only thing I can think is these girls were in a field where ability really was a determiner of success, and if one of them decided to leverage that ability into political office, they wanted some sort of blackmail video on them to keep them contained.

A porn star gives an interview, asserting she was a sex-trafficking victim of Cabal, and now she has been testifying in military tribunals against people like Biden and Soros. She asserts she was subpeona’d, and was brought into the tribunal to identify who the people were in videos that were filmed while she was being trafficked by the conspiracy, among which was Soros and Biden. I have no idea if she is legit or not. As I have said, the little bits of reality I have seen are so weird, and the level of total control held so massive, and the degree to which the system of laws, and rules, and courts, and elections, and government presented to normies is just an illusion is so unbelievable, I do not think anyone “normal” can actually judge what in this world is a likely reality and what is not. This is not at all impossible from what I see, even the Mega-Church pastor being Cabal and handing her, at 18, to a trafficker, though I have no idea if this particular version is real. Just filed away as another bizarre account out there which could be plausible in our fucked up world.

Another unconfirmed vid on Q’s board, from a quickly deleted Tiktok account:


A non-fungible token of a digital artwork called a “CryptoPunk” was sold for $11.8 million on Thursday. The seller previously had two other NFTs which sold for more than $7 million each in previous sales. The buyer was Israeli entrepreneur Shalom Meckenzie, who is the largest shareholder of digital sports company DraftKings. The seller is probably just a Cabal front. Basically he gave somebody $11.8 million for nothing, and nobody is going to look too closely, or ask why.

Max Bernier, leader of the Peoples’ Party of Canada, which is similar in policy to the Trump movement, was arrested today in Manitoba at a political rally despite COVID restrictions.

On Twitter – Besides trying to get his mistress to have an abortion before refusing to pay child support, Toobin has been accused of sexually harassing a woman (“several sick messages”) after following her back to her hotel room and trying to invite himself in.

Millions of rounds of Aguila ammo, mostly .22LR, stolen from U.S.-bound trucks on Mexican highway. Ammo is so valuable they are going to have to ship .22LR in an armored truck.

On twitter – Another mother goes off on the school board over graphic sex-ed programs being given to children. The reactions of the school boards is most interesting to me, as they cannot handle just hearing about what is in the books they approved, and then they try to exploit rules to quiet all criticism. Don’t think any of these board members who produce these things are simply community members who ran, and voted honestly on these things. You have an outright CIA-like intel operation which has infiltrated all these positions. These people are knowing agents of a conspiracy, which is actively trying to break down kids and alter their development to confer advantage on the conspiracy. And these board members are voting simply how the conspiracy told them to vote.

On twitter – Peter Navarro says, “I had 60 million tablets of HCQ that Tony Fauci and
@cc wouldn’t allow the American public to use because of their Hydroxy Hysteria. Blood on @JohnBerman@cnn and Saint Fauci’s hands. More than 50,000 Americans would be alive today.”

The FDA has instructed Johnson & Johnson to throw out 60 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine produced at a Baltimore plant out of concern that they may have been contaminated, according to multiple reports.

Palm Beach County urologist seeing false PSA levels in men due to COVID vaccines.

Half of all COVID unemployment relief was stolen – and most of of the $400 billion in illegally-claimed handouts were funneled to Russia, China and Nigeria, experts claim.

Rand Paul slams ‘unwise, naive’ Fauci, says he ‘in all likelihood has been lying to us.’

Huge increases over last week as deaths are up by an additional 700+ in the VAERS COVID vaccine data.

Potatoes for McDonald’s fries are grown on Bill Gates’ farmland in fields so big you can see them from space.

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson will sign newly passed legislation that would ban state law enforcement agencies from enforcing new federal gun laws following proposed rulemaking from the Biden administration to regulate firearms with stabilizing braces. Feds will still be able to enforce the federal law though, so you end up in a situation where more is made illegal, but rarely enforced, eventually making everyone a criminal and giving the state the power to jump on anyone, as Ayn Rand described.

Vindicated Trump says the only lab leak question is if it was ‘on purpose.’

Spread r/K Theory, because if everything is illegal, everyone will be a criminal

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Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Some of us don’t click random links from random commenters. What is this about?

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Gpt-3 and the John Rivers gab post are about AI fueled artistic creations that are basically undistinguishable from human creations. The top gab post is about a territorist SJW being pandered to by the clown system.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Thank you!

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Thank you my ass, that’ll be 6 million petrodollas.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Chat bots.

3 years ago

“Florida’s 29 electors, which are on course to be recounted due to the pending audit of Fulton County which should show massive fraud. If Florida falls, Biden drops to 266 Electors.”

16 EC votes.
Biden will be down to 279.
We will still need another state.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Cuz you’re a very hard working fren. Thanks AC fren!

3 years ago

“With $20 trillion between them, Blackrock and Vanguard could own almost everything by 2028. I’ve looked with interest at Blackrock buying up residential houses to try and force everyone to rent, as that will allow them to control where people, and especially targets live relative to the domestic network members. Once everyone rents, they can do that simply by refusing to rent some houses and offering discounts on others. And they will even own the homes, so they can pre-install tech and easily get access into them for “repairs,” or other reasons.”

Asset seizure and one time wealth redistribution is going to become a necessity.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Of even better, an old testament style Jubilee at a regular interval.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Oy vey, not allowing the Jewish supremacist usurious financial wizards to take over your whole Country via buying everything with their printed-out-of-nothing-money is anti-Semitic.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

That’s a good possibility but it solves the debt issue not the asset issue.
A revolution and asset redistribution is going to have to happen.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

50 year ram’s horn’s years mandate ALL assets are returned to their original owner.

The debts amongst Israel are forgiven every seven years.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

I know that.
But if the system starts with them having all the assets it doesn’t do much good.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

The millennium reign starts with the King of kings owning the whole world, he’s the king of Israel. Israel are God’s people.

Every other king will pay tribute to him.

He will help the poor, the widow and the orphan with the tenths (tithes).

No other taxes, just tenths to God’s man.

What’s not to like? Robin Hood will be king of the earth:

Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

Zionist detected.
We are talking about what must be done before the return of Christ not how the true KING will rule the earth and you are trying to imply that we should just let Zionists steal the whole world because it will bring on the Kingdom of GOD.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Gary Morgan
2 years ago

>and you are trying to imply that we should just let Zionists steal the whole world because it will bring on the Kingdom of GOD.

I implied no such thing, I didn’t even mention zionists. Prophesy tells us the fake jews in Israel will be destroyed, they won’t get diddly squat.

Stop inferring things.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Arizona lawmaker responds to AG Garland, saying, “You will not touch Arizona ballots or machines unless you want to spend time in Arizona prison.”

Nice, I’d like to see Feds shooting it out with Arizona authorities, who are just trying to enforce the laws- and rights of citizens in their state, to vote and enforce the rule “1 citizen, 1 vote”.

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Tree of Liberty needs it’s water.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Interesting thread where anon claims this is actually how the civil war gets started. State leos vs. feds.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

If this scenario happens and the States fight back. Possibly by calling up a citizens militia of all able bodied men with military experience or some other such mass of Man power the FEDS DO NOT have the bodies to to pull this off. The only way the FED can do this is to bluff and hope the States comply.

There’s also the threat to the FEDS that the States will unratify the amendment to the Constitution that elects Senators to the Federal government instead of having them appointed by the State Senates. I bet there’s enough State legislatures that would ratify this. It would only take a few States to stand up and get the ball rolling.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“If Arizona’s 11 electors are decertified, Joe Biden’s 306 electors would be dropped to 295. And then we will be on to Florida’s 29 electors, which are on course to be recounted due to the pending audit of Fulton County which should show massive fraud. If Florida falls,”

Trump won Florida. Florida did it’s job- it’s one of the reasons we, yes WE, are so optimistic. Georgia, Wisconsin and Nebraska-1st are the next fights after Arizona. Then New Hampshire and Pennsylvania.

I’m from the south, and I tell everyone I know, there is no way in HELL that a piece of shit liberal “Catlick” Irishman from Scranton by way of Delaware won the Great State of Georgia. And despite the dark demon hellions of Atlanta there just aren’t that many africans in Georgia to vote, legally or otherwise.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I spent my teenage years in Perry GA, half hour south of Macon.
There is no fucking way in hell that Biden won GA. GA is about as Deep South as it gets.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“China and Russia military budgets combined exceed US spending, a top general says.”

The US would lose, badly, if we fought either of them, because fighting one means fighting the other too.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

They’d just train special squads armed with megaphones to scream the wrong pronouns at the US Mil to try to 46% all the trannies serving (shamelessly stolen from the Babylon Bee).

3 years ago

Trump took Florida so I’m not sure what you’re trying to convey there.?

3 years ago

There’s a mostly UK news blackout on how the NHS clearly want to sell data… most people too stupid to realise they want to sell it to fintech companies for a domestic passport.
Other countries should look into similar.

3 years ago

>”It will be like the left keeping illegals illegal so they will keep voting for Democrats.”

And like the Israel first uniparty compliant “right” keeping them inside because that way the next campaign they can promise to take care of the problem (which is what have been happening).
At a certain point, even fixing all illegal migration problems will not fix the demographic ethnocide of the US (1965 Immigration Act, etc), and you can bet that until that is the case the fake right will not fix that shit. They all get financed by the same people, it’s a kosher sandwich. Balkanization is pretty much inevitable IMHO, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

3 years ago

>”Cartels can advertise criminal services on facebook, but I cannot advertise Evopsych.”

Blocking the cartels would be anti-Semitism. What are you AC, and what a bigot or something?

3 years ago

I think you mean Georgia, not Florida, up in that first piece

3 years ago is now for your side bar blog roll

Keep up the great work

3 years ago

>”I’d assume soon they will demand all recruits have criminal records.”

Well, given that most felons end up getting deals as informants to cut their time, and that a lot of them certainly get inducted into the globohomo gaybal surveillance and harassment program, it’s just a small step forward on that program.

3 years ago

>”A non-fungible token of a digital artwork called a “CryptoPunk” was sold for $11.8 million on Thursday. The seller previously had two other NFTs which sold for more than $7 million each in previous sales. The buyer was Israeli entrepreneur Shalom Meckenzie, who is the largest shareholder of digital sports company DraftKings. The seller is probably just a Cabal front. Basically he gave somebody $11.8 million for nothing, and nobody is going to look too closely, or ask why.”

I guess the zero-interest loans (exclusive for their fellow Jews, as per their religious rules) that Jews have been using to launder massive amounts of money were Ionger enough.

If you doubt the existance of the Jew-exclusive zero interest loans and their use as money laundering operations, here you have some sources: – “Money Laundering Keeps ultra-Orthodox Families Afloat” – “Oy gemach! Will transparency put an end to ultra-Orthodox free-loan societies?” – “Money laundering and white collar crimes in the Haredi community” – “Former De Blasio Fundraiser Found Guilty in Police Corruption Trial” – “Since yeshiva raids in Ramapo, FBI probe lingers” – “Rabbi Pleads Guilty to Money Laundering” – “Rabbi sentenced to probation in money-laundering scheme” – “Spinka rabbi arrested for tax fraud” – “FEDS CHARGE PILL PLOT, MONEY-LAUNDER PLAN” – “Feds: Orthodox rabbis laundered drug money through Brooklyn yeshiva” – “DRUGS AND DRUG MONEY LAUNDERING WITHIN JEWISH NETWORKS: THE ‘RUSSIAN MAFIA,’ ‘ULTRA-ORTHODOX’ CORRUPTION AND OTHER CRIMINALS

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

The Russian Mafia is actually the Russian Jewish Mafia!

3 years ago

I think that’s why the author of the article (it’s actually a chapter from a book akshually) calls it the ‘Russian Mafia’, with the little quotes around the term.

3 years ago

When Stalin was purging the non nkvd Jews in Russia, it was often under anti crime justifications.

Stalin purged a lot of people, and he didn’t make it all up.

3 years ago

Raffensberger is a faggot and traitor. Poor baby.

3 years ago

Here’s a survival recipe to add to your survival skill set:

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

They should wear big yellow ‘V’s on their backs, so they can be easily identified. And sent off to detention camps. All the cards from Dachau mentioned about how nice the place was; they could at least make them that comfy.

And if they don’t like it, well, the unvaccinated are an active menace to British society, and obviously they’re undesirable and shouldn’t be running around loose anyway. Just excess population; nobody will object to sending them away. Well, not unless they want to join them.

3 years ago

Some noice threads (frens only, non-frens stay out):

France: Citizen throws flour at the president of the “National Assembly”


What did Israel’s leader Netanyahu mean by this statement?

3 years ago

Ryan Dawson summarizing Mossad and CIA’s role in 9/11 in a debate prior to his banning by Youtube.

Those interested in analyzing body language should have fun with the guy he’s debating constant squirming whenever he hears unpleasant information.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I watched this a while ago, highly recommended. The other guy is a sophist that only cares about “winning” the debate with sophistry and bs, doesn’t care about getting to the truth at all.

3 years ago

2021-06-12 | QTrump counter-coup opsec | NFSN pozzed? | ethnats vs ethnulls | hips & tits ~ spear & grip | are women property? | unvaxx toxic spikes | site metrics | Dr. Yan | white genocide | Trump signs USMIL citations | news noise | don’t bet

Reply to  Littlebook
3 years ago

LB is the Cyborganise format mainly shown in these briefs? So basically it’s just a system to organise your thoughts and analysis outsourcing it so it’s no longer occupying valuable mental real estate. What exactly is the integration with AI? I had seen the superhistory article which you linked earlier which might be similar to your POV.

For the record I do like your style and analysis and agree with most of it although I do believe about 20%+ of the time you have glaring flaws/are wrong in your beliefs. It’s to be expected from a T3 though. (from what I gather, the lower the T number the more informal/unedited it is- does it go lower than T3?)

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

*higher the T number

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

> LB is the Cyborganise format mainly shown in these briefs?

Briefs are merely this: At a step in my Textmind daily intake process, I copy the shareable notes, truncate copyrighted text, and export from Org format to markdown, which Ghost converts to HTML.

After publishing, I resume the intake process. From Textmind’s perspective, the publishing step makes zero changes. I file the notes two layers deep into a deeply-nested tree called 10-Bins. This destroys their chronological sequence, at which point I can no longer easily export a shareable summary of the day’s “news”.

Therefore, most of the briefs have been atomized into proper Textmind heading format. However, some complex headings haven’t been digested yet, as I do the difficult ones during the filing step.

> So basically it’s just a system to organise your thoughts and analysis outsourcing it so it’s no longer occupying valuable mental real estate.

That is a goal it shares with GTD, but it does more.

> What exactly is the integration with AI?

It’s not AI, it’s Intelligence Augmentation, which is the human-legible competitor to AI.

Textmind permits hybrid computer-brain thinking. Its algorithmic loop and tree accommodate and augment the vast majority of an individual’s thought. Its low lag and ergonomics effectively create a Brain-Computer Interface that extends mental proprioception into the text files.

The fact that this BCI uses evolutionarily-perfected eyeballs and fingers rather than some messy surgical brainjack is an advantage, not a flaw. Assuming one can touch-type, read-write speed is not the bottleneck for Textmind performance; user intelligence is.

> I do believe about 20%+ of the time you have glaring flaws/are wrong in your beliefs.

That low from a new reader suggests I should rarely bother to write actual blog posts.

T3 is the highest Pubmind tier, the lowest level of effort and formatting. But these briefs aren’t even Pubmind drafts, they’re merely Textmind notes.

Reply to  Littlebook
3 years ago

Why does 10-Bins destroy chronological order? And what does it do more than GTD?

>Textmind permits hybrid computer-brain thinking.

How so?

>That low from a new reader suggests I should rarely bother to write actual blog posts.

I would say I already agree with you in general. The glaring disagreements are: I don’t value gnews, I don’t value real raw news, I don’t believe viruses have a high chance of being the *cause* of illness(and thus, that masks improve health outcomes), and I believe AC’s TIPS/stasi over your autoconspiracy. I would probably have my beliefs be closer to AC’s(perhaps Vox’s though I don’t closely follow him) than yours, but ultimately you guys are very close on most things.

For the briefs I’m currently reading all of yours but I might not have the attention span to continue. It might be worth doing a weekly summary or highlight of every 10 briefs so we don’t have to read through them all to get the gems.

Perhaps another useful tool is a search function for body of articles not just headings. Sometimes I read something you’ve posted but it’s a nightmare to try to find again. With AC I can do a google or presumably a yandex search to find.

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

Textmind destroys intermediate daily processing stages. What’s left is the original raw chronological “ramblog” in an archive, and a mindmap tree of atomic headings. 10-Bins is the directory structure for Textmind.

I used to think like a normal human, mostly in my head. After Textmind, I mostly think into my keyboard. To do anything serious and productive, I meld with that part of Textmind. It’s like how a good programmer melds with his code, except there’s a GTD-like algorithm that smooths difficulty spikes, so one rarely has to think “hard”. Fingers do most of the work.

Fix a paragraph. Write a summary. Arrange a mindmap of summaries. Small easy keyboard actions build into cohesive intelligent OODA loop. I just wing it and it works.

Yeah, I really need to fix the full-body search issue. It’s scheduled for when I next update Ghost. I wish viruses weren’t real, they always wreck my Accutane-weakened guts.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Littlebook
3 years ago

“It’s not AI, it’s Intelligence Augmentation, which is the human-legible competitor to AI.”

Great concept. Paradigm-shifting in the discipline of human learning. Similar to what AC is doing with these News Briefs but optimized/generalized/etc. Very nice.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Thanks but just to be clear, Intelligence Augmentation is an old school greybeard concept, not my idea at all.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Thanks for the clarification.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Littlebook
3 years ago

>It’s not AI, it’s Intelligence Augmentation, which is the human-legible competitor to AI.

To anyone who cares, Leo’s textmind is just a fancy name for a vast digital diary. And it doesn’t work.

Without getting into too much personal detail, when I met Leo in real life, a police incident happened, where I was stitched up by the boys in blue (nothing came of it later).

Leo, with his text mind was able to supply zero useful information from his notes. Nothing at all, literally his note said ‘Gary was stitched up by a cop’ (or words to that effect.

His dad, with no notes, was able to supple much more useful testimony, very detailed. And his dad doesn’t use text mind. But his dad is more ‘normal’, whereas for whatever reason, Leo is not.

So, do not waste your time with a huge e-diary, because that’s all it is, and even with that, and with constant random shuffle bible audio, Leo STILL eats unclean meats and ignores the sabbath. And I have witnessed him make the same dietary mistakes over and over again, when he was publishing his text-mind notes frequently on an old forum, and he couldn’t even spot the patterns himself. Probably because he has millions of words of pointless notes, the useful stuff gets lost in the more.

He has been de-augmented by God I fear, via delusions.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

Disputing a minor event years later? No problem. I’ll just grep Wales in my raw journal… found it in 2017.

What I wrote when I reached a computer the next day was:

> gary got nicked for using a cellphone in a bullshit cop. they were watching people in the airport pickup area, a very slow moving zone where no such accidents could really occur.

Had I not been softened by travel zombification, I would’ve been less susceptible to peer pressure, and recorded the rest of my thoughts, which were:

“Red flag. I clearly saw Gary using the cell phone while driving just before the traffic stop, but he’s trying to weasel out of it by claiming he put it away before the cop could’ve seen it. This claim is unprovable, however it reveals Gary’s self-serving relationship with truth, justice and flexible memory.”

Upon further reflection, the anti-cellphone regulation is a good idea, as otherwise distracted drivers would be smashing hurrying pedestrians.

As the original text shows, I considered him guilty, but chose to excuse rather than accuse a friend. It’s always a risk to convert someone to Christ who’s ethically challenged, but what heathen isn’t?

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

>Nothing at all, literally his note said ‘Gary was stitched up by a cop’ (or words to that effect).

>gary got nicked for using a cellphone in a bullshit cop.

My recollection of your notes was pretty good, and no e-dairy in sight here.

Your notes failed, your excuse of jet lag is BS, as you had slept a full night in the UK, unlike your dad, whose memory without e-diary was much more detailed than yours. Also, his notes were pro-me, rather than pro-uk state. With friends like you, who needs enemies eh? You can take the Ashkenazi and dip him in water, but he’ll still be an Ashkenazi.

Interesting that you would judge me for using a cell phone, and support the BS laws of the Uk state, and judge me as ethically challenged (pre-baptism), when I witnessed you eating unclean food (shrimp) all week long. And you still do, and ignore the sabbath day too, and don’t wear tassels, or celebrate any of the holy festivals of God. Mote and beam spring to mind, judge not, lest you too are judged.

Difference between me and you, I repented of my heathen ways, you never did.

Look forward to seeing you in the future Leo, your e-diary will not survive where you are going.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

No one here cares about your bullshit. Just for the record. Neither of you is winning this argument, and we all think less of you both for it being here.

Johannes Q
Reply to  Gary Morgan
2 years ago

This is like something from Seven Psychopaths.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Gary Morgan
2 years ago

Phelps, your concern is noted.

I also admire your ability to read the minds of all other readers, well done on that.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
2 years ago

It’s called empathy. It’s not hard for people who aren’t autistic.

Bary Gorgan : DDD
Bary Gorgan : DDD
Reply to  Gary Morgan
2 years ago

Goncern is nodded Belbs : DDD
Reeeee SmollBrindedMaderial, your djournal sugs : DDDDD

Ps: eberyone brebare for burning in heel (as always) : DD
Pps: fug : DDD

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Gary Morgan
2 years ago

You are certainly, … em….pathetic.

3 years ago

Got the wrong link for the creative destruction one

3 years ago

On Blackrock and Vanguard, I posted this before on this site, but its worth reiterating from time to time.

A left wing website posted a long article explaining that most of the stocks and bonds in the world are owned by a few investment companies, of which Blackrock and Vanguard and the most prominent. Blackrock and Vanguard in turn are owned by a small number of European aristocratic families.

A small number of European aristocratic families, who are secretive, control a few holding companies, which in turn hold most of the shares in the company where you work or do business with. They fund western governments through debt or can simply bribe enough politicians. So they control who gets the corner office at your job, which is in a company whose shares are owned by their holding companies, control your local school board, and so on.

This is who controls the cabal and this is why the entire world was pretty much put under house arrest in the spring of 2020 and lots of weird restrictions continue to now (fading away in the USA but not in Europe or the Commonwealth).

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

Reminder that until the zionist lobby and influence is utterly removed from the West, the gaybal has not been defeated.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I have shown a GREAT DEAL of doubt but things are looking up. If as many States as we know cheated on votes and they show this with with ballots that have codes printed in them I think it almost impossible the Supreme Court will be able to do anything but schedule a new vote with assurances that it’s honest.

Steve Pieczenik said even after Trump was gone that Trump won, they had everything and that he would prevail. I didn’t believe him but he may have the last laugh because if these votes are recounted honestly then these people are ruined. I mean ruined. Serious consequences for the whole chain of them that have acted, and I bet it’s a near full court, will all be exposed and when Trump gets back into office he will crucify them and no one will blink an eye. There will be no mercy for them even the peripherally involved. He would be able to oust vast number of agents and no one will give them even a minutes sympathy.

3 years ago

The magic number for the electoral college is not 270, but the total number of electors credited to Trump, which is 232. The president is elected by a majority of the certified electors voting, not a majority of the theoretically possible electors. Biden would have been elected by any combination of electors over 232, which means only decertification of all six contested states would have prevented Biden’s election. Note that the Donks seem to have plans to steal North Carolina and Alaska if needed, both these states were callled by the media really late.

Since as I have been pointing out, and AC just pointed out, the Electoral College is not an ongoing body, but exists in a short time span and its actions were already certified, a presidential “election” can not be reversed anyway. What audits finding fraud could accomplish would be to lead to new elections for the federal and state legislature, and build an impeachment case against Biden and Harris for taking the oath of office, when they were put in a position to do so based on violations of the laws they were swearing to uphold. But I think everyone should wait to see of the audits are allowed to finish, if they find fraud, and what the media reaction will be.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

There are more possibilities than you think.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

What did I say not a couple days ago when it was mentioned we could economically throttle China. I said much the same as Vox Day is noting, China has now said they will put sanctions on anyone who follows sanctions on them from the US. So they now feel they are strong enough to shut us down. Maybe they are. Certainly with Biden they could probably make it work. Trump, maybe not. Trump has a way of making his own luck.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

This is a desperate gamble on their part just as the three child rule is.
VD needs to take off his jade colored glasses and stop looking for ways to say China is superior.
Biden and the 2020 theft was another desperation move and they hope that it will give their other desperation moves a chance but they will all fail sooner rather than later.

3 years ago

“She must have killed a kid, or something. They all have to see the trajectory, and realize if it goes where it appears it is going, they will be exposed as enemies of the state.”

I think you meant to say “exposed as enemies of the people”. They serve the “state” just as they serve Lucifer.

3 years ago

AC, I’ve been reading your blog for the last 6 mo or so and have long felt compelled to challenge you to reconsider your evolutionary assumptions. DNA is a code; it contains and conveys information. Information doesn’t come from matter, it has to come from a mind. You said yourself yesterday regarding heart inflammation that “It is the way the body is designed.” If it looks like it was designed, that’s because it was designed. Praise God!

There are of course many other arguments against evolution, but this one seems the most compelling to me. I hope you will consider it. God bless!

Reply to  Wiley
3 years ago

I agree with you.
But we were designed to adapt and many of the smaller claims of evolution are true.
We didn’t come from monkeys but dogs, wolves, and coyotes etc. may have all come from one pair of canines on Noah’s ark.

3 years ago

Wholesome vid, if you want to enjoy some of the beauty the Lord has blessed us with:

3 years ago

The truth is here:

comment image

3 years ago

> The same day that former Vice President Dick Cheney retired from the board of trustees of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation, the board unanimously voted to appoint Liz Cheney to the panel.

The Foundation is assimilated. It might have been that way from the start.

Unka Jerry, though… he tried very hard to shine a light on the inconsistencies and failures of the Warren Commission when he wrote “Portrait of the Assassin,” which was the book that alerted me to how messed-up the whole thing was. And he got handed a festering sack of shit when he became President, the the media simply turned their hate cannon from Nixon to him and kept on blasting. He’ll never be one of my favorite Presidents, but he managed to walk out without them being able to stick anything on him, which was quite a trick, considering.

3 years ago

> Basically he gave somebody $11.8 million for nothing, and nobody is going to look too closely, or ask why.

Yep. NFTs are more convenient than book deals. But the book deals will still be around; if the payee can’t show the financials to back up the money they’re getting, the book deal is the best way to launder their money.

3 years ago

AP does a whole article on how Police will not be recruiting physically strong masculine men, but rather will start recruiting “from communities.

Recruiting from the community means black cops in black neighborhoods. Expect police shootings of suspects to go way, WAY up when that happens.

3 years ago

The FDA has instructed Johnson & Johnson to throw out 60 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine produced at a Baltimore plant out of concern that they may have been contaminated, according to multiple reports.

Best part is, they are contaminated with… the AstraZeneca vaccine. Because they are (allegedly) making them both in the same plant.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

You ever have one of those days when God calls your bluff? Chicken and potatoes are EASY…. the seed potatoes are en route and we just got a line on buying a chicken coup with chickens for $200, and my first thought is “what are we going to do with all the eggs?” And how much is a roll of chicken wire these days? Going to need enough for a chicken run.

Now I understand why leaving the farm for the suburbs is so tempting. Money is laziness.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: Trump signing military documents

Hey frens, here’s the deal, at bare minimum right now there is a stalemate going on between the civilian government in DC and the Pentagon – the Pentagon is actually refusing to acknowledge the child sniffer as POTUS. The only possible explanation that I can think of is that they are waiting for the results from the audits before removing the Child Sniffer Administration to avoid the appearance of a coup. Once the very public transparent forensic audits are completed at the request of the STATE GOVERNMENTS, and the normie media cannot explain the results away, they can move with whatever plan they have to officially get Trump back as POTUS. As I see it, this is our worst case scenario.

Best case is that the Child Sniffer Administration is a giant theater production – a movie, a show – designed to mask a retaliatory strike against the CCP for interfering with the elections and releasing CV19. The CCP has committed several acts of war against the United States, and crimes against the international community for releasing CV19, so wouldn’t be surprised if after Trump is again officially POTUS that he goes to the WTO and the UN security council and pushes through all the sanctions against them that they would have put on us if Trump had unleashed the marines to mass arrest the swamp in January.

The reparations bill that the CCP will be facing will break China’s economy. Imagine the CCP having to cancel all debts and hand back control of infrastructure all over the third world. Imagine the CCP simply losing all US holdings. Imagine the CCP having to abandon a blue water navy and space program. The CCP cannot survive that, and that’s the irony because the CCP could have survived Trump, but their fear drove them to do something with consequences that they cannot survive.

No world war for the still compromised US forces to lose. China cannot fight the entire world. This is the CCP’s Chernobyl.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Knows what he’s talking about. Shocking in an AC thread. How did this happen?

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Littlebook
3 years ago

Smug prick

Reply to  Littlebook
3 years ago

Passive agressive, a classic gamma trait.

Also, he’s as deluded as you (actually, you’re an Ashkenazi, you are doing what your tribe do, deliberately sowing fear and evil), because CV 19 doesn’t even exist:

Reply to  tops
3 years ago

I am 14.5% Ashkenazi, which is about your usual percentage accuracy.

Furthermore, I am not passive aggressive. I’ve been quite aggressive aggressive about it. And I genuinely want to know how that comment I praised happened.

A search of Lowell Houser’s posting history removes most of the mystery — he was already smart and following it, and must’ve received some additional inside info that tipped him my way.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Littlebook
3 years ago

I don’t get inside info. I just connect dots.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  tops
3 years ago

“…because CV 19 doesn’t even exist…”

You psychobabbling ninny. None of you have yet to answer how viruses can’t exist if the largest medical experiment in the history of planet earth, killing off smallpox and polio, showed that vaccinating people DID kill off these diseases. That the largest medical experiment ever on planet earth was successful by implementing a theory that viruses exist and can be countered by vaccines means you will have a damn hard time explaining how viruses don’t exist. The world wide conquering of small pox and polio happened just as the “viral” disease theory predicted.

This is most likely a Jew meme so that if they hit us with another of their “surprises” some, ninnies, will not wear mask because,”the Jew told me viruses don’t exist”.

This anti-vax belief is a damn shame as vaccines can and do work but the present system we have proves once again my maxim,

“Everything the Jews touch turns to shit”.

It’s like this in every single thing they eventually control an interest in. We could have safe vaccines but through greed and possibly active sabotage the Jews have turned vaccines into shit.

If you look at the art bandied about these days the Jews have turned it into shit.’

The Jews got in the mortgage bond business and, turned it into shit.

The do this with everything they touch.

The best way to deal with this is to get rid of them. Deport them all. Every last one. Peacefully if we can get it but by any means necessary they have to go. The sooner people get this firmly in their minds the sooner we can turn our country around from what it is today…shit.

3 years ago

Mexican Drug Cartel Unveils “Grupo Elite” Special Forces Unit Hunting Rivals

3 years ago

Texas is Teaming Up with Arizona to Craft a Border Security Pact

3 years ago

Supply chain failure:

3 years ago

This young man nails it (why democracy is a bullshit system that is nothing but a shadow oligarchy):

This is also why IMHO the balkanization of the US will be a good thing, it will allow the based territories to purge themselves, and once they are internally strong they can start expanding and taking back control from the non-based territories (which will be absolute shit holes due to their diversity fueled ineptitude). The non-based territories are perhaps going to be ruled by the cartels (who are the muscle and distribution networks for the shadow oligarchs that rule our failed treasonous Western republics and democracies), but without being neutered by the current corrupt anti-People government, I believe the based populations will be able to go head to head with them and win. The only reason why the gangs and cartels still operate in the US is because they are oro-actively protected by the IC (they are assets to the IC), if people were allowed to deal with it, that problem would disappear very fast.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Glacial Red Dawn’s ‘Go’ board certainty secured by pozz international & greased palms is the only reason things haven’t truly popped off into WW3 — territorial integrity is non-negotiable for a two fleet navy, and Balkanization = free beachhead real estate, instead of just Vancouver & Baja. Besides, the ‘UFO’ boondoggles are merely tipping the MIC’s Paperclip legacy tech hand — this will be allowed to go to a certain point, and not farther, for purposes of military budget largesse. Belt & Road is a pipe Dream running through tens of thousands of miles of East Turkestan avenging jihadists. Paper Tigers & dog & pony shows.

Reply to  TREEM
3 years ago

IMHO balkanization is not that bad because it allows the based territories to purge the clowns (all foreign (specially Israeli) and subversive influence), and then take over the non-based territories (as they fail due to their own retardedness and diversity).

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“This is also why IMHO the balkanization of the US will be a good thing,…

…The only reason why the gangs and cartels still operate in the US is because they are oro-actively protected by the IC …”

I don’t agree with this at all. Let’s look at the logic of this. We have problems with the gangs so…break up the US. WHAT????

If we have problems with the gangs I seriously doubt that breaking up the US is less of a problem than…dealing with the gangs or, God forbid, actually dealing with the people that are letting the gangs go free. Though not a small problem it’s certainly easier to take that one on than to break the US up and deal with all the problems that would ensue with that action and to boot it would not do a thing to the gangs until you got control of government anyways.

Having a very large country with a lot of resources is very beneficial. We only need do what we set out to do and let the States take care of more of things as we used to and tell the rouge supreme court to stop making up laws that don’t exist and overturn the disastrous ones they have weaseled onto us.

That the government has gone off the rails hardly anyone will dispute but if your railroad cars run off the tracks it hardly helps matters or accomplishes anything to pull the rails up so they can’t run off the tracks. Better to find out why the train ran off the track and fix that first.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

>”dealing with the people that are letting the gangs go free”

Off course. Taking care of them presupposes that you go after the whole chain of command and all the supporting individuals and organizations. I don’t know how you got the idea that those would be allowed to get off Scott free.

>”Having a very large country with a lot of resources is very beneficial.”

Yes, but not if the power structure uses said resources (including industrial capacity, education system and taxes (including pension funds)) to enact your ethnocide and complete surveillance. Breaking the power structures allows an window of opportunity to purge the subversive elements (of all kinds, not just the groups we are discussing). Without the gaybal surveillance (of which a big part of the comped parts of the FagBI and other IC agencies) and the system protecting the gangs, cartels and subversive paramilitary groups (antifa and blm), it would take less than a year for the people themselves to clean house (even faster if they had the support of some whitehats feeding them Intel), permanently.